Sunday, August 1, 2010


Do our dreams really reflect our subconscious wants? Honestly I really don't think that my subconscious mind wants to walk with a lady and her pink poodle in a shopping cart. Or that my Papa and his Girlfriend, Carol, lived in a big house where my room was in the garden shed and there was some guy sleeping at a chess table. Then when my cousin comes to find me a bear shows up and chases us all to my garden room. Then the whole place disappeared and we had to re build the walls and I ended up walking down the hall with the lady and the poodle. Then suddenly the hallway ends at a grocery store and I'm with three of my best friends. Then my mom comes and says that we should go see this magician, he is just past the bananas. When we go he gets everyone to stand in a circle and hold hands and then the ground around us all dropped away into black nothingness. He warned us that if anyone stepped over the edge we would all fall to out doom. Someone did and I fell into the blackness and woke up. I mean really what is that supposed to mean? Truthfully I know that some people believe that their dreams mean something and I'll believe them if they can just explain this one to me, but otherwise, I think dreams are just the most random things in the world.


Why is it that the people you love are always so far away or so busy all the time? Is it some karma thing or what? We all have people who we can't stand and ones we love whether we show it or not. People are never perfect but the people who you think are closest to perfection never live near. Plus the worst thing in the world is when someone doesn't return the feeling. Or when they spend time with you just until someone better comes along. They are so nice and you feel so close and as soon as someone that they know better is there suddenly no one cares that you're there. Worst f all they don't realize how much they hurt you. They figure it is no big deal. They go to the person who they think is judging them so that they aren't being badly judged. Which leaves the nicer person, who doesn't judge people, hurt.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Some people seem to think that the Olympics are all about winning gold, silver, and bronze. But you know what? They aren't all about medals. They are about Canadian Pride. They are about the excitement, the thrill, the feeling, and the opportunities to live up to a family name. Who cares if Canada doesn't get the medals that we hoped for? As long as our athletes have fun doing the sport that they love. If you don't agree with me then think of it this way. The entire planet got together just to scream at each other, to boo, and glare when another country wins the gold. I mean think about it, where does it say that we will win all of the gold medals? It doesn't. It never will. One country will never win every single medal. It is like an old saying that my teachers sometimes use, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch". It is the same with medals. Yet even though we know it won't happen. we cannot let go of the hope. We all cling to it. We all put pressure on our athletes. But they have proven that they are some of the top athletes in their sports. In my mind they have already won, even if they don't bring home the gold.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Who Would You Choose?

Some people run their lives as if they think that going far in their field and doing well money-wise, means that they will get a second life as a vacation. other people live their lives to the fullest, after all they don't know what lies ahead of them or where life will take them. Who do you want to be? The rich person with no friends or close family relatives. The person who lives for their job and hasn't had a day off in years, and won't in the years to come. Or the person who loves all their friends and family, and that is who their life revolves around. They go to work late sometimes, they get in trouble at school, but all the time, in the face of their superiors they are responsible and sorry, but the entire time they are waiting to escape and go laugh with their friends. I can only speak for me but i believe that both people have at least one thing that everyone wants from life. The Work-a-holic obviously loves their job and will probably never regret choosing the job that they did. The other person has friends and family that they love and love them, but they can't hold a job, they never got into the field that they wanted because of their pranks and laughing and in short having fun. Yet everyone wants to be that person, everyone wants to fit in, everyone wants friends, and everyone has the inignorable need to be loved and cared for. but think about it for just one minute. This person can't make it in the business world, they never will. but the other person put their job first and who is to say that that person can never make friends? That they never will be able to?